Tuesday, September 4, 2012

moving on up...

juuust in case you didn't notice... I've gone all high tech and moved my blog over to phoebespurefood.com

So bring your fancy pants on over to my new website (well it's been over a year now) but use this page as a good reference for great recipes & garden tips....I do.


Friday, November 11, 2011

my dirty secret

Well, one if them anyway.   I think the garden got a bit out of control this year.   I underestimated the time I would have to give it.   This photo shows our neighbor next to the fence with my border of zinnias.   Just wanted you to see the scale of the out of control tomato plants. My tomato monsters swallowed my leeks, onions and mustard greens.

In addition to time management being my problem, I had a bit of a bleeding heart for the little tomato seeds that randomly came back from last year.  I just couldn't weed them out because the bitty seeds made it all winter...and I was kinda curious which variety they would were going to become.

So, I can't be the only one trying to find that perfect balance between work, laundry, dinner, lunch, family and all other daily distractions. When I find the opportunity to make dinner it is usually on the fly and more often than not it passes the Dan test....but I just forget to share the recipes with you.

Just messed with a new scone recipe that was to die for and the next batch ... well, I'll need to share so you can try too!  Until then... weeding is the word!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

1 in a 100 (favorite cookbooks)

yowza! It has been quite some times since I put pen to paper.  The past few months have been a bit busy as I try to navigate the growth of my business.  I have been writing posts in my mind... the story about how a salad veggies has taken over my lawn.   How I have been a bad tomato mama and a few soup recipes...

Gonna lead with this because eating healthy (not from the box...food in a box, that is) can be a bit overwhelming... you must read (until I write my own book which will rock your tofu, barley world) "Get it Ripe" by jae steele.  She's Canadian.  Some of my favorite cookbooks and organic gardening books are written by Canadians. Not sure what this all means...BUT I reread jae's book on a recent road trip and must say I enjoy how she breaks down shopping, ingredients and food trends down in a way that is easy to understand.

Check it out on Amazon but when you are ready to buy stop by the local bookstore to ask Kira, at the Wise Owl Bookstore in West Reading, if she can connect you with the book.  Keep your money local, people.

Friday, July 22, 2011

spicy bunny smoothie recipe

okay, fair warning that you will need a juicer for the carrots...or pick up 100% carrot juice at the grocery store

1 1/2lbs organic carrots, juiced
2 bananas (peel them...do I really need to tell you that?)
1 piece of ginger the size of your thumb, washed leave the skin on and juice with the carrots
cinnamon, sprinkle
1 cup almond milk

cream it all up in the blender...add ice you want to stretch it or if you want it icy make sure the bananas are frozen.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

1 million recipes for sangria

won't be found here but they are all over the web. I made a sangria for a recent wine walk event in West Reading. I did not have too much time in advance to macerate the fruit so I cheated.

I grabbed in season fruit to make this sangria... 1 cantaloupe, 2 handfuls of strawberries, 2 peaches & 1 apple mixed with 5 liters of white wine and a splash of agave. What I forgot to add was the mint or basil. To speed the flavor process along ..my dirty secret... was grabbing a bottle of peach cream manischewitz wine. Yup, that is what I did. With so many flavored liqueurs out there why not use a little something extra when mixing up your own brew of sangria?


Sunday, July 10, 2011

welcome matt's wild cherry...

...your sweet & sunny disposition makes for a great salad. Tomato season, it's on! The tomatoes have started to make their appearance. Dan picked this one last week as the first of the season. The matt's wild cherry gives buckets of sweet, cherry tomatoes that one can eat from the brush. Of course, the plants came from Happy Cat Farms. Love their variety and the passion Tim has for his product.

I must grab some serious clippers & twine to go and tame the cukes and melons... before the sun gets high.

Friday, June 17, 2011

minted lemonade

The weather has been gracious but the heat will be back on with a vengeance soon enough. So, while I can still tolerate the sun I grabbed the smallest & sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer, put in my apron and plastic flip flops and went on out to attack the mint!

There are so many recipes, out and about, for refreshing summer drinks using fresh herbs. This one is so very easy and begs to be played with. Use your creativity with what herbs you can find... rosemary & mint...lavender... thyme...thyme & mint... orange & mint...mint & blueberry...lavender & strawberry...

Here goes genius (by the way, who said you can't add a bit of rum or gin?)

2 cups organic sugar
2 cups water

bring to boil in small saucepan to make simple syrup. as soon as the sugar melted i took the pan off the heat and let it cool keeping the herbs in the syrup. after it cools strain into the remaining liquids.

2 cups lemon juice (can you get your hands on meyers lemons?)
4 cups water

mix it and chill. garnish with your herbs.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

the eating garden is in... sort of

dan did the tilling before we left for vacation and we put the weed cover down so the tomatoes and peppers could go in before we left. this weekend i did some some hard core weeding and a few last minute, squeeze them in to the last bit of space planting. so tired but love having my hands in the dirt.

this is the corner of the herb and butterfly garden. the lavender is just about to bloom, the scented geraniums are in, the tarragon is full, thyme is plentiful, rosemary is in, chives are huge, lemon grass replaced with a new plant (hoped it would winter over), sage is on the way, raspberries are crazy and comfrey is back...

so... here is a list of the baby veggies that are in the garden now (excuse spelling. i wrote them down this morning after planting and near heat stroke). all pepper plants and all but 2 tomato plants came from my one of my favorite organic growers, happy cat organics and all but veggie plants 2 are heirloom
  • golden marconi peppers
  • tridad perfume peppers
  • quad di gallo peppers
  • costoluto tomato ... am crazy excited about this beauty
  • red zebra tomato
  • orange banana tomato
  • matt's wild cherry tomato
  • tiger tomato
  • roughwood tomato
  • thessaloniki tomato
  • dakota sweet melon
  • sugar baby melon
  • banana melon
  • armenian cuckes
  • west indian gherkin
  • edamame
  • oregon giant snow peas
to get in:
swiss chard

Thursday, May 26, 2011

warm temps, cool drinks

I found a few new recipes for smoothies and now is about time to bust them out! thanks to martha steward every day foods

pineapple ginger ( should be called anti inflammation smoothie)
1 cup fresh pineapple, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 inch ginger, washed and minced
1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1 cup pineapple juice
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup ice
serves 2
156 cal, 1g fat, 4 g protein, 34g carbs, 2g fiber

pom banana (anti-oxidant...cancer or age fighter)
1 orange, peel & pith removed (though I would try it peel and all)
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 banana
1 cup 100% pomegranate juice
197 cal, 0g fat, 2g protein, 50g carb, 4g fiber

green machine (my brother had one of these crazy 3 wheelers back in the day)
fiber booyaa
1 cup packed fresh spinach
1 1/4c white grape juice or pear juice
1 granny smith, cored and cubed
1 cup ice
193g cal, 7g fat, 2g protein, 36 carbs, 6g fiber

cucumber blueberry (antioxidants)
1 medium cucumber, peeled seeded and cubed
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup white grape juice
1/2 cup low fat plain yogurt
164 cal, 1 g fat, 5 g protein, 36 g carbs, 4g fiber

peach, berry, and spinach (1 serving has 200% of your daily value for vit C)
1 cup frozen peach slices
1/2 c frozen or fresh blackberries
1 cup packed fresh spinach leaves
1 1/2 cups white grape juice
1/2 cup ice (if using fresh blackberries)
160 cal, 0g fat, 2g protein, 41g carb, 4 g fiber

almond date (vitamin E and bone building calcium)
3 T almond butter
4 pitted dates
1 cup low fat plain yogurt
1 cup apple cider or apple juice
1 cup ice
373 cal, 15g fat, 11g protein, 53g carb, 3g fiber

berry orange
1 orange, peel and pith removed
1/2 cup low fat plain yogurt
1/2 cup raspberry sorbet
1/2 cup 100% cranberry juice
169 c, 1g fiber, 5g fiber, 38g carb, 3 g fiber

peanut banana espresso (uhhh, no brainer...12g protein)
1 cup low fat milk / soy milk
1 T espresso powder
1/4 cup natural creamy peanut butter
1 ripe banana
1 cup ice
307cal, 17g fat, 12g protein, 27g carb, 4g fiber

Sunday, April 3, 2011

roman candle...

yea, it's not just a firecracker ... it is a beautiful neon yellow, striped, banana shaped tomato. I took a quick minute today to look at my favorite seed catalog, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. You must check this link out. My mother gave me a gift last year that was a bucket of random heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds are gems to be loved and protected. Organic seeds are nice but their mother is heirloom.

So, this weekend I got a few seeds started. I know, I know it is a bit late to get things started but we go on vacation during prime planting season. I must wait until we return to get most babies in the ground. It may be a tip too late for you but next year save those large plastic salad boxes to use as seed starters.

Okay, here is the scoop on amazing event you must check out, if you are a home gardener. Find the biggest rolling cart that you can fit in your car and head to the Landis Valley Museum, in May, for their Herb & Garden Faire. You can build up expectations to find unusual plants, flowers, veggies and herbs. Really muddy boots, you will not be disappointed!

Another good time (in terms of green thumbs) is anything that B&H Organic Produce hosts. Last year the "Meet the Farmer Day" was a great time. Erica will take you on a tour of the farm and had other growers there selling plants, in addition to hers.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

busy as a bee

... and still just as sweet... depending on who you ask. So, in case you have not heard I have fridge of my very own to stock with yummy, whole food, healthy eats at Sunshine Wellness Resources. it is a perfect marriage of wellness and food at its best. SWR offers a superior staff of trainers in a beautiful studio for one-on-one training and group training. Check their website for events and trial classes.

Some of the goodies offered at SWR will be
  • yogurt parfaits with local yogurt and fruit that is either locally or organically sourced
  • mini-quiches for a healthy post workout protein, local eggs
  • hummus & organic veggies
  • soups & prepared salad with blend of local, organic or whole food items
  • prepared whole food meals
  • healthy beverages
I will also have a website...soon. Visit me at phoebespurefood.com. Keep an eyes for updates.
Lastly, my logo will be renewed and refreshed!