Sunday, September 12, 2010

roasted beet chips

trying my hand at roasted beet chips... not sure what i think of this recipe. i have loads of beets from the garden so i can spare a few to experiment. we shall see. they are amazing in color, no?

ok, i just pulled the first batch out...these are disgusting! the recipe was rather easy...slice thin pieces of beets, lightly coat with oil, salt and roast at 375 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour and watch carefully so they don't burn. i have never eaten possum poo but i imagine it might taste as gross as these chips. i have defiled my beautiful beets to roast them. i'm wondering if i can use them in soup so they are not a total waste. oh ... blah the after taste... need to go find some wine to wash it down...and cat litter... later


  1. Are they crunchy or rubbery? Rubbery - yuck; crunchy - good.

  2. Those are Chioggia Beets, right?. I grew them last year. I got my seeds from seed savers. Their circles disappeared when I sauteed them. The red juice get absorbe into the white circles.

  3. dear anonymous...some were crunchy with in flavor of of burned and others were soggy but with a horrible flavor of "i undercooked next to crispy burned pieces."
    not sure what i did so very wrong...aside from not buying pre-made chips from giant.
    dear dentdelion - i think you are correct! beautiful, no? i've never ordered from seed savors. these came from baker creek heirloom seeds.

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