why one should not garden in flip flops (mistakes I have made)
- Sharp sticks jab your tender feet
- Raspberry or rose thorns really hurt if they get between your toes
- It is really gross how dirty the bottom of your feet can get...sometimes I have hobbit feet (less the fur)
- There is no support for the soles of your feet.
- If you are not careful and over extend your toes when bending, you could cause a stress fracture or damage the capsule stuff that surrounds your toe joints. I accomplished this fete this year and it has been 6 weeks of pain. I can't sit still to ice it (except for this moment).
- Heel Spurs...no, they are not callouses on your heels. A heel spur is a bony thing that will start to grow in a very sharp point on your heel, damage ligaments, and cause unbearable pain. I'm not saying that it is gardening in flip flops that caused mine (was diagnosed a bit ago). That, in combination with years in heels, contributed to this issue.