Sunday, April 3, 2011

roman candle...

yea, it's not just a firecracker ... it is a beautiful neon yellow, striped, banana shaped tomato. I took a quick minute today to look at my favorite seed catalog, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. You must check this link out. My mother gave me a gift last year that was a bucket of random heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds are gems to be loved and protected. Organic seeds are nice but their mother is heirloom.

So, this weekend I got a few seeds started. I know, I know it is a bit late to get things started but we go on vacation during prime planting season. I must wait until we return to get most babies in the ground. It may be a tip too late for you but next year save those large plastic salad boxes to use as seed starters.

Okay, here is the scoop on amazing event you must check out, if you are a home gardener. Find the biggest rolling cart that you can fit in your car and head to the Landis Valley Museum, in May, for their Herb & Garden Faire. You can build up expectations to find unusual plants, flowers, veggies and herbs. Really muddy boots, you will not be disappointed!

Another good time (in terms of green thumbs) is anything that B&H Organic Produce hosts. Last year the "Meet the Farmer Day" was a great time. Erica will take you on a tour of the farm and had other growers there selling plants, in addition to hers.