Friday, November 11, 2011

my dirty secret

Well, one if them anyway.   I think the garden got a bit out of control this year.   I underestimated the time I would have to give it.   This photo shows our neighbor next to the fence with my border of zinnias.   Just wanted you to see the scale of the out of control tomato plants. My tomato monsters swallowed my leeks, onions and mustard greens.

In addition to time management being my problem, I had a bit of a bleeding heart for the little tomato seeds that randomly came back from last year.  I just couldn't weed them out because the bitty seeds made it all winter...and I was kinda curious which variety they would were going to become.

So, I can't be the only one trying to find that perfect balance between work, laundry, dinner, lunch, family and all other daily distractions. When I find the opportunity to make dinner it is usually on the fly and more often than not it passes the Dan test....but I just forget to share the recipes with you.

Just messed with a new scone recipe that was to die for and the next batch ... well, I'll need to share so you can try too!  Until then... weeding is the word!