This was a long weekend with loads of man & women hours put in outdoors. It was perfect weather. The temps did not get over 60 degrees so it was ideal for doing grunt work without fear of heat stroke. This is the first time I have had so much time to prepare for planting. For the past two years, I scurry around after our vacation, mid-May, getting things into the ground as the weather has already warmed.
This weekend we filled the new garden area with soil, put a tiny wall in that low area, tilled one last time, raked dirt, and framed out my beds. This is exhausting work. Last year I did rows and this time around ... well, we shall see how this turns out.
I am by no means an experienced vegetable gardener. I had to prove myself with a teeny, tiny bed in 2008. It was about 8' x 8'. Dan said if I could master that area he would consider tilling a larger space. I planted tomatoes, arugula, carrots, chard, watermelon, and peppers to name a few.
Dan was surprised. I was hooked.
So, today my beds are ready. I started more seeds and plan on planting the same seeds direct, just in case. Funny thing (to me anyway) is last year's garden was really my first go at such a large space (15' x 20') and everything came in beautifully. I planted right into the soil with some work (tilling and peat moss). I used a plastic cover to help keep weeds at bay between plants and newspaper topped with grass clippings to reduce weeds between rows. (note: if you use grass clippings for the first time and catch a whiff of a death thing... chances are it is the clippings...)
This year's main bed is now 20' x 36' and my mini bed... still 8' x 8'. I plan on incorporating veggies in my flower and herb gardens again.
novice gardener's tip of the day: if you must have a garden tool in your hand...wear gardening gloves
ready to be filled!