Sunday, July 19, 2009

garlic is da house

Today was a bit adventurous. It started early, to beat the heat, getting soil into a newly created bed with a short stone wall that we built for the most recent landscaping project. Let me say that a week ago while digging in the area, for this project, I heard a hissing that still makes my skin crawl. Dan said it must have been a bunny and rolled his eyes at "crazy phoebe." to be continued... at the very bottom

Garlic. I love garlic. I generally pick mine up at the Kennett Square Mushroom Festival from a local grower to plant at Thanskgiving. You must visit this event for the vendors (a few great and local artists). Generally my bulbs harvest at a modest size. This past fall I ordered some hardneck bulbs from Seeds of Change. I had so many that I ran out of bed flower beds to plant them and, in an effort to ward off voles (yes, those evil bulb eating creatures will stop chopping your bulbs if add a few garlic bulbs into the mix), I planted some garlic in the front beds. They are huge, at least 6 feet tall! I'm loving it!

Did you know?
  • The Chinese can peel garlic cheaper by hand than we can here with machines. Since 2001, imports of Chinese garlic have multiplied 15-fold, while California production has shrunk. Buy USA!
  • Allicin is widely promoted for its antibacterial properties and can help the body fight blood clots and certain cancers.
  • If you crush or finely chop garlic and wait 15 minutes you are boosting allicin production and flavor.
  • Mince garlic, add olive oil and put it in a small glass jar or ice trays.
  • Fresh garlic, that has been stored at room temp at the time of harvest, will store well for 4 to 10 months at room temp. Garlic that you buy at the grocery store sprouts because it has been kept in a cooler and just like any bulb is being “forced” when brought to room temp.
  • check out these web sites for garlic tid bits

story continues.... I put a rubber snake in the garden to ward off bunnies (true)... last week Dan asked why I had the snake on the back porch (attached to the back door). I insisted, at least 4 times, I did not have a snake on the porch. Again, just Phoebe being crazy. Today I spotted a 3 1/2 foot snake. the short, Dan took care of it. WHO'S CRAZY NOW?

1 comment:

  1. freeze the garlic/oil in ice cube trays fill 1/2 or full,quick freezze and store in bag.too miuch work in jar to you
