Sunday, December 6, 2009

craft show redemption...via gardening

Well, I was certain I would never find a vendor I loved more that the sweet sellers. I did and I spent like mad (well, not really I'm a bit of a tightwad).

I made my Christmas list lickidy split.... gardening gloves (with a wrist wrap so no dirt under the finger nails), long gardening gloves for protection from raspberry bushes during pruning, a weeding hand tool, garlic, garlic garlic and the most glorious books about heirloom tomatoes, melons and squash. Go to B&N some day and look for tomato book and I am certain you will find more books on how to cultivate marijuana than tomatoes.
She also had the most glorious tomato cages. Dan and I have a plan for the tomato trees we plan on growing next season. We will see how that works out!

I picked up the garlic varietals that are in the photo and if I have not reminded you, my gardening friends, your garlic should be in the ground in the next few days.

The books are written by Amy Goldman. I am learning so much as I go along with this gardening process and she is a recognized expert. All 3 of the books are as beautiful as they are informative and I will suffer until Christmas when I can tear off the paper and devour these books. When you check out Amazon I have to tell you the I only paid $30 for the squash book. Dan and I struggled over buying out her inventory just to sell them on Amazon for $90 (they are listed at $200).

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